Bible Stories and Lessons for Kids

Join my kids and I as we do our daily Bible lessons or listen to vintage Bible Stories and great heart-warming stories.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Bible Story for Boys:
A Blade from Damascus

An interesting Bible story for boys - A Blade from Damascus

This story is set in Bible times; about 2 boys, swords and coveting and "an eye for an eye."

Ahh, coveting. That's a topic near and (not so) dear to my heart. How many times have I WANTED something and confused it with NEEDED? And once I get it, the thrill of acquisition vanishes or goes sour! How do we teach this to our kids? Maybe by allowing them to experience little incidents, then come along side them and turn it into a "teaching moment." Love to hear your ideas!

Here's A Blade From Damascus.

Enjoy and Blessings

- Janet
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